Customer Driven Strategies Accelerate Growth
Inspirion is a boutique customer management consultancy that helps business leaders to accelerate growth and enhance shareholder value by formulating and implementing customer driven business strategies.
There are very few truly customer driven companies in the world. Most organizations think they are one of them until they are exposed to the thinking and best practices of leaders in the field. First, it requires knowing exactly who your target customers are, what they value, and the value they represent to your bottom line. Then, you must reconfigure your business around this understanding. It touches every aspect of your organization, from whom you serve, to what you sell, to how you organize and operate your businesses.
Furthermore, the design must succeed in a very fluid and dynamic environment. Customers have more choices, better information, higher sophistication, more complex needs, and greater power in the buyer-seller relationship than ever before.
We help our clients to formulate and implement strategies that address these requirements. Typically, our clients strengthen the loyalty of their target customers, maximize the value of their customer relationships, and thereby accelerate their growth, profitability and creation of shareholder value.
We work across a diverse range of industries including:
- Building and construction
- Industrial
- Financial services
- Health care
- Energy
- Electronics
- Chemical
- Biotechnology
- Utilities
- Steel
- Pulp and paper
We leverage relevant best practices from each to inspire our clients to do more with their customers than they had ever considered before.
Our clients have found that being customer driven is one of the few strategies available that can build and sustain a competitive advantage:
- Cost reductions can quickly reach the point of diminishing returns
- Product and service leadership has a short shelf life as competitors rapidly copy innovation, close the differentiation gap, and commoditize offerings.
Customer centricity creates a sustainable advantage because it is hard to execute and difficult for competitors to replicate.
Few organizations have the depth of understanding, clarity of vision, and the discipline and commitment necessary to be truly customer driven. Those that do, outperform their peers and the S&P 500 by more than 300 percent. Our mission is to help our clients become one of them.